Therapeutic Massage for Stress Management
Feeling tensed? Most likely stressed and your muscle is tensing up. And did you know prolonged muscle tension can lead up to long term chronic pain?
April is stress awareness month and given the past year that we all had to endure, you can say that 2020 has been one of the MOST stressful years for almost everyone around the world.
What does stress have to do with your health?
Stress affects so many aspects of life from physical health, mental health, which can affect your relationships. So what are you actively doing to address this?
The earlier you address your stress, the earlier you may reduce the chance of developing long term chronic pain. So, let’s get started.
There are many ways to manage stress, one of which is with therapeutic massage (aka Swedish massage). Modern day life is so busy and sometimes we just need to slow down and chill out. Your project can wait an hour, you can wash your car tomorrow, you can take a break, so use that time to book yourself a massage and relax because you deserve it.
So how does it all work?
To add some science behind it, therapeutic massage for most people have a positive physiological effects by triggering endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which all aid in relaxation and reduced stress. Endorphins, serotonin and dopamine are neurotransmitters released through stimulation of the autonomic nervous system when your body is in “rest and relax” mode. When endorphins are released, they aid in reducing pain, boosting pleasure and relieving anxiety. Serotonin is a natural mood stabilizer that reduces depression. Dopamine is the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, it puts you in a good mood and contributes to increased motivation and productivity. Without these positive hormones, the body can feel anxious, depressed and even lonely. A massage encourages the release of these positive hormones, helping the body reduce stress levels and improve overall wellness.
How often should I seek a therapeutic massage?
We recommend getting a massage at least once a month because the benefits are not instant. Yes, the relief is instant but like most things in life, relief is temporary. So unless you incorporate massage as part of your lifestyle, you will not gain the full benefits. Our focus at Road To Wellness for the month of April is to work with individuals suffering from stress, educating them and offering long term acupuncture and massage packages. To learn more about how you can take control of your stress, make a commitment to yourself and your wellness, book your appointment below. See you soon.